In lista de mai jos gasiti erori intalnite la anumite tipuri de aparate de aer conditionat .
Erorile sunt avertizari, cand sistemul dvs. de climatizare nu mai functioneaza , acesta afiseaza un cod eroare
Erorile generale :
- Aparatul nu raceste
Cauza ar putea fi lipsa agentului refrigerant sau o piesa arsa care nu permite pornirea compresorului
- Aparatul de aer conditionat nu incalzeste
In general aparatele de aer conditionat pornesc , pe modul “ cald” , in 5 – 10 minute de la pornire
- Curge apa din unitatea interna
Cauza poate fi o lipsa a agentului refrigerant sau traseul furtunului de condens , fiind in contrapanta fata de aparat sau furtunul spart
- Aparatul nu porneste
Întrerupere curent electric / Ștecher scos din priză.
ventilatorului unității interioare / exterioare deteriorat.
termomagnetic al compresorului defect.
Dispozitiv de
protecție sau siguranțe defecte.
slăbite sau ștecher/ mufă deconectat(a).
Uneori nu mai
funcționează ca urmare a activării unei funcții interne de protecție a
Tensiune mai
mare sau mai mică decât intervalul de tensiune
Funcție TIMER-ON
este activa.
Placa electronica de control deteriorată
- Miros neobisnuit , urat
Aparatul necesita o curatare , igienizare completeta
- Flux de aer insuficient
Setarea necorespunzătoare a temperaturii
Fantele de admisie si de evacuare a aerului sunt obstrucționate.
Filtru de aer murdar.
Viteza de ventilație este la minim.
Alte surse de căldură în cameră.
Nu mai este agent frigorific in instalație
Erori aer conditionat ALIZEE
Erori aer conditionat AUX
E1 Senzorul
de temperatură din plastic este anormal. Nivelul de prioritate al afișajului: 2
E2 Senzorul
de temperatură de cupru este anormal (în aer liber). Nivelul de prioritate al
afișajului: 4
E3 Senzorul
de temperatură de cupru este anormal (în interior). Nivelul de prioritate al
afișajului: 3
E5 Anormalitate
a unității exterioare
E6 Protecție
la supracurent
E7 Eroare
de feedback extern
E8 Protecție
la supraîncălzire
E9 Defecțiune
a pompei de apă
L1 Defecțiunea
senzorului conductei spiralate
L2 Defecțiunea
senzorului de temperatură a camerei
L6 Fără
feedback al motorului ventilatorului intern
Erori aer conditionat Daikin
00 Normal
Eroare combinație unități
interioare-exterioare UA
U0 Lipsa de agent frigorific
U2 Tensiune de cădere sau
supratensiune din circuitul principal
U4 Eșecul de transmisie (între
unitatea interioară și unitatea exterioară)
A1 Defect Pcb de interior
A3 Anomalie pompa de condens
A5 Control de înaltă presiune
sau protector împotriva înghețului
A6 Eroare motor ventilator
AH Anomalie filtru de
aer electric
C4 Senzor (1) de temperatură
defect al schimbătorului de căldură
C5 Senzor (2) de temperatură
defect al schimbătorului de căldură
C9 Senzor de temperatură al
aerului de aspirare defect
EA Eroare de comutare
E1 Defecțiune placa de circuit
E6 Pornire defectă a
E7 Defecțiune motor ventilator
F3 Controlul conductei de
evacuare la temperatură ridicată
F6 Control de înaltă
presiune (în răcire)
H8 Defecțiune senzor curent CA
H9 Senzor de temperatură a
J3 Senzor de temperatură a
conductei de refulare defect
J6 Senzor de temperatură
defect al schimbătorului de căldură
L4 Temperatură ridicată la
radiatorul circuitului invertorului
L5 Supracurent de
P4 Senzor de
temperatură radiator al circuitului invertorului defect
Erori aer conditionat GREE
E1 |
frigorific de protecție la înaltă presiune |
E2 |
împotriva înghețului |
E4 |
la temperaturi ridicate de evacuare a compresorului |
E5 |
la supracurent AC |
E6 |
de comunicare între unitatea interioară și unitatea exterioară |
E8 |
împotriva temperaturii ridicate |
H6 |
feedback la motorul ventilatorului interior |
C5 |
defectuoasa a capacului jumper |
F0 |
împotriva scurgerilor de agent frigorific |
F1 |
de mediu interior deschis sau scurtcircuit |
F2 |
tub interior deschis sau scurtcircuit |
F3 |
de mediu exterior deschis sau scurtcircuit |
F4 |
tub exterior deschis sau scurtcircuit |
F5 |
de evacuare întrerupt sau scurtcircuit |
F6 |
limita de sarcină/frecvență de cădere |
F8 |
curent limită / frecvență de scădere |
F9 |
mare de temperatură de evacuare/frecvență de scădere |
PH |
la supratensiune pentru PN |
U5 |
AC detectează defecțiunea circuitului |
U4 |
inversa compresorului |
P5 |
la suprafața compresorului |
b5 |
defectuoasă a senzorului tubului de admisie |
L3 |
defectuoasă a motorului ventilatorului DC exterior |
b7 |
a senzorului tubului de evacuare |
FC |
a ușii |
FE |
a senzorului de suprasarcină a compresorului |
H1 |
Dezghețare |
H2 |
antistatică împotriva prafului |
H3 |
la suprasarcină a compresorului |
H4 |
anormală a sistemului |
H5 |
HC |
H7 |
în trepte de pierdere a compresorului |
H0 |
anti-frecvență de scădere a temperaturii ridicate |
Lc |
la pornire |
U2 |
compresorului împotriva pierderii fazei |
U1 |
circuitului de detectare a curentului de fază a compresorului |
EL |
împotriva demagnetizării compresorului |
EE |
la încărcarea EEPROM |
P6 |
de comunicare între placa principală și placa driver |
PU |
a încărcării condensatorului |
P7 |
a circuitului senzorului IPM |
P8 |
IPM la temperaturi înalte |
U3 |
împotriva căderii de tensiune PN |
PL |
la tensiune PN scăzută |
Pc |
a circuitului de detectare a curentului sau defecțiune a senzorului de curent |
Ld |
la pierderea de fază a compresorului |
LE |
rotativă blocată cu compresor |
UE |
peste limita de temperatură / frecvența de scădere |
U7 |
supapei cu 4 căi anormală |
U8 |
senzorului de temperatură de evacuare |
U9 |
de detectare a tensiunii zero de curent alternativ |
FA |
de scădere a temperaturii peste tub |
FH |
anti-îngheț / frecvență de cădere |
oE |
la temperatură a modulului PFC/defecțiunea senzorului modulului PFC |
Erori aer conditionat Midea
E0 |
de parametru EEPROM |
E1 |
comunicării unităților interioare/exterioare |
E2 |
de semnal de trecere la zero |
E3 |
ventilatorului scapă de sub control |
E5 |
deschis sau scurtcircuit al senzorului de temperatură exterioară |
E6 |
deschis sau scurtcircuit al senzorului de temperatură a camerei sau a
vaporizatorului |
P0 |
IGBT împotriva curentului excesiv |
P1 |
la supratensiune sau prea sub tensiune |
P2 |
la temperatură a superioară a compresorului. |
P4 |
de antrenare a compresorului invertor |
code = DF
explain = display at on state
code = flicker 1/1 SEC
explain =
FAILURE = defrost indication
The reason of fault and solution = Normal, the
defrost state is removed, it will return to normal condition automatically
code = DF
explain = display at off state
code = flicker 1/3 SEC
explain =
FAILURE = anti cold wind
The reason of fault and solution = 1.Normal (during
heating mode )
2.It will be removed when the coil pipe temperature sensor
reaches certain temperature.
code = E2
explain = display at off state
code = flicker 1/1 SEC
explain = display at on/off state
FAILURE = room temp. sensor fault
The reason of fault and solution = 1.Check whether the resistance
of the sensor is normal (the resistance is 5KΩ in the normal temperature 25°),
when it is abnormal the sensor should be replaced.
2.Check whether there is short circuit or open circuit in
the wire of the sensor, and whether the plug is connected well, whether there
is welding off or rosin joint on the electric control board, if there is any,
it should be repaired.
3.When the 1 and 2 are both normal, then the components or
integrated circuit is damaged, the electric control board should be replaced.
code = E3
explain = display at off state
code = flicker 3/5 SEC
explain = display at on/off state
FAILURE = coil temp. sensor fault
The reason of fault and solution = 1 .Check whether the
resistance of the sensor is normal (the resistance is 5KΩ in the normal
temperature 25°), when it is abnormal the sensor should be replaced.
2 .Check whether there is short circuit or open circuit in
the wire of the sensor, and whether the plug is connected well,
whether there is welding off or rosin joint on the
electric control board, if there is any, it should be repaired.
3.When the 1 and 2 are both normal, then the components or
integrated circuit is damaged, the electric control board should be replaced.
code = E4
explain = display at off state
code = flicker 4/6 SEC
explain = display at off state
FAILURE = outdoor unit abnormal
The reason of fault and solution = 1.Check whether the
winding resistance and operation current of the compressor are normal.
2.Check whether the high and low pressure is normal when
the unit is running.
3 .Check (whether the coil pipe sensor is normal) whether
the contact of the
inserter on the circuit board is well, the coil pipe
temperature sensor is fixed, the evaporation of the indoor unit is well, the
key is to check the evaporator temperature detected by the coil pipe
temperature sensor has reached the cooling or heating temperature.
4 .Check whether the surface of the condenser is too
dirty, it should be cleaned when it is too dirty.
5 .Check whether the capacitance of the outdoor motor and
the fan is damaged, it should be replaced when it is damaged.
6 .If the above items are normal, the electric control
board should be replaced.
code = E5
explain = PG motor display at off state
code = flicker 5/7 SEC
explain = display at off state
FAILURE = no feedback signal of indoor fan
The reason of fault and solution = 1.Check whether two
sets of plugs on the outlet end of the motor have loosed from the socket of the
electric control board, insert it firmly when loosing.
2.Check whether the indoor motor has damaged, the motor
should be replaced when it is damaged
3.Check whether the controllable silicon and other
components on the electric control board have damaged, replace the controllable
silicon or electric control board when they are damaged.
code = E6
explain = PG motor display at off state
code = flicker 6/8 SEC
explain = display at off state
FAILURE = no over zero signal
The reason of fault and solution = 1. Firstly check
whether the indoor fan is normal.
2. Check whether the signal outputting from the integrated
chip of the electric control board is normal, the electric control board should
be replaced when the signal is abnormal.
code = E7
explain = display at off state
code = flicker 7/9 SEC
explain = display at off state
FAILURE = outdoor feedback fault
The reason of fault and solution = 1.Check whether the
winding resistance and operation current of the compressor are normal
2.Check whether the high and low pressure is normal when
the unit is running.
3.Check whether the indoor and outdoor wiring is right;
when it is wrong, connect them again according to the circuit diagram
4.Check whether the contact of the inserter on the circuit
board and the connection are well, otherwise repair.
5.Check whether the signal feedback wire is disconnected,
replace or connect the feedback signal wire.
6.Check whether the supply power is phase-lacking or phase
7.Check whether the AC electromagnetic contactor is well.
code = E8
explain = display at off state
code = flicker 8/10 SEC
explain = display at off state
FAILURE = frost protection/over heat protection
The reason of fault and solution = 1 .Check whether the
filter of the indoor unit is dirty or blocked, and clean if it is dirty.
2.Check whether the indoor fan is running normally, and
replace the motor if it is abnormal.
3.Check whether indoor pipe temperature sensor is normal,
and replace the sensor if it is abnormal.
4 .Check whether the system pressure is normal, if
abnormal, should check whether there is leakage, and fill the refrigerant
CHIGO DC Inverter Split Air-Condition Unit Fault Code
The indoor unit faulty display
Faulty contents = Faulty contents
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens all the
time,the turbo lamp lightens 2 times ,and then extinguish 2 seconds.
Faulty contents = Indoor fan fault
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens all the time,
the turbo lamp lightens 5 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds.
Faulty contents = Indoor temp. sensor fault
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens all the
time,the turbo lamp lightens 3 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds.
Faulty contents = Indoor coil outlet temp. sensor fault
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens all the time,
the turbo lamp lightens 4 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds.
Faulty contents = Indoor coil inlet temp. sensor fault
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens all the time,
the turbo lamp lightens 4 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds.
Faulty contents = Indoor coil middle temp. sensor fault
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens all the time,
the turbo lamp lightens 4 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds.
Faulty contents = Mode conflict
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens 1 time, and
then extinguish 1 second.
Faulty contents = Defrosting or anti cold air
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens 1 time ,and
then extinguish 1 second.
The outdoor unit faulty display
Faulty contents = the outdoor unit transducer module
protection faulty
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens all the time,
the turbo lamp lightens 2 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds.
Faulty contents = over current of outdoor unit
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens all the time,
the turbo lamp lightens 3 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds.
Faulty contents = discharge temp. of compressor too high,
outside ambient temp. too high, switch temp. of compressor crust cut off, temp.
of module too high
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens all the time,
the turbo lamp lightens 4 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds.
Faulty contents = The outdoor unit DC busbar voltage is
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens all the time,
the turbo lamp lightens 7 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds.
Faulty contents = lack refrigerant or reverse valve fault
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens all the time,
the turbo lamp lightens 8 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds.
Faulty contents = outdoor sensor fault
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens all the time,
the turbo lamp lightens 7 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds.
Faulty contents = outdoor unit drive fault, start
compressor failure
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens all the time,
the turbo lamp lightens 6 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds.
Faulty contents = Communication fault
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens all the time,
the sleeping lamp lightens 2 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds
Faulty contents = Indoor fan fault
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens all the time,
the sleeping lamp lightens 5 times , and then extinguish 2 seconds
Faulty contents = Indoor temp. sensor fault
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens all the time,
the sleeping lamp lightens 3 times , and then extinguish 2 seconds
Faulty contents = Indoor coil outlet temp. sensor fault
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens all the time,
the sleeping lamp lightens 4 times , and then extinguish 2 seconds
Faulty contents = Indoor coil inlet temp. sensor fault
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens all the time,
the sleeping lamp lightens 4 times ,and then extinguish 2 seconds
Faulty contents = Indoor coil middle temp. sensor fault
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens all the time,
the sleeping lamp lightens 4 times , and then extinguish 2 seconds
Faulty contents = Mode conflict
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens 1 time, and
then extinguish 1 second.
Faulty contents = Defrosting or anti cold air
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens 1 time, and
then extinguish 1 second
Faulty contents = the outdoor unit transducer module
protection faulty
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens all the time,
the sleeping lamp lightens 2 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds
Faulty contents = over current of outdoor unit
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens all the time,
the sleeping lamp lightens 3 times , and then extinguish 2 seconds
Faulty contents = discharge temp. of compressor too high,
outside ambient temp. too high, switch temp. of compressor crust cut off, temp.
of module too high
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens all the time,
the sleeping lamp lightens 4 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds
Faulty contents = The outdoor unit DC busbar voltage is
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens all the time,
the sleeping lamp lightens 7 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds
Faulty contents = lack refrigerant or reverse valve fault
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens all the time,
the sleeping lamp lightens 8 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds
Faulty contents = outdoor sensor fault
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens all the time,
the sleeping lamp lightens 7 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds
Faulty contents = outdoor unit drive fault, start
compressor failure
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens all the time,
the sleeping lamp lightens 6 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds
The malfunction oindoor and outdoor unit
The common malfunction code analysis and solutions
The fault code = F1
The fault content = The communication fault
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1.The
communication wire is broken off. Please check whether the wire is disentwined
2.Please check whether the electrical control board is
damaged. It should be replaced when it is damaged;
3.Please check whether the power ground wire is reliable;
4.Please check whether the unit is abnormal caused by the
external interference. If it is, then find the interfering sources, and remove
The fault code = F2
The fault content = The indoor temperature sensor fault
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1.Check whether
the resistance of sensor is normal, otherwise replace it;
2.Check whether the sensor wire is short circuit or open
circuit, and whether the plug is well contacted, whether there is welding off
or rosin joint on the electric control board, repair it if there is any above;
3.When the 1 and 2 are both normal, then the component or
integrated circuit is damaged, the electric control board should be replaced.
The fault code = F3
The fault content = The indoor coil temperature sensor
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether
the resistance of sensor is normal, otherwise replace it;
2. Check whether the sensor wire is short circuit or open circuit,
and whether the plug is well contacted, whether there is welding off or rosin
joint on the electric control board ,repair it if there is any above;
3. When the 1 and 2 are both normal, then the component or
integrated circuit is damaged, the electric control board should be replaced.
The fault code = F4
The fault content = Indoor PG motor fault (tap motor
hasn’t so breakdown )
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1.Check whether
the contact of the plug of the motor wire and socket is well. Please make sure
it is well contacted;
2.Check whether the indoor motor has damaged, the motor
should be replaced when it is damaged;
3 .Check whether the controllable silicon and other
components on the electric control board have damaged,
replace the controllable silicon or electric control board
when they are damaged;
4.Check whether the indoor fan is unobstructed when
running, please fix the indoor fan again when it is obstructed.
The fault code = F5
The fault content = IPM protection
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1.Check whether
the supply voltage is out of ranging from 150 to 270V(overvoltage and
undervoltage protection); Measuring the actual current, if the current is
greater than
the rated current of 2A,it is over-temperature protection;
If the above are normal, that is IPM module internal circuit fault protection,
so please replace the IPM module.
The fault code = F6
The fault content = The outdoor sensor fault
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether
the resistance of sensor is normal, otherwise replace it;
2. Check whether the sensor wire is short circuit or open
circuit, and whether the plug is well contacted, whether there is welding off
or rosin joint on the electric control board, repair it if there is any above;
3. When the 1 and 2 are both normal ,then the component or
integrated circuit is damaged, the electric control board should be replaced.
The fault code = F7
The fault content = The outdoor coil temperature sensor
fault (Including the mid-point of tube. inspiratory gas)
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether
the resistance of sensor is normal, otherwise replace it;
2.Check whether the sensor wire is short circuit or open
circuit, and whether the plug is well contacted, whether there is welding off
or rosin joint on the electric control board, repair it if there is any above;
3.When the 1 and 2 are both normal, then the component or
integrated circuit is damaged, the electric control board should be replaced
The fault code = F9
The fault content = Exhaust gas sensor failure
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether
the resistance of sensor is normal, otherwise replace it;
2. Check whether the sensor wire is short circuit or open
circuit, and whether the plug is well contacted, whether there is welding off
or rosin joint on the electric control board, repair it if there is any above;
3. When the 1 and 2 are both normal, then the component or
integrated circuit is damaged, the electric control board should be replaced.
The fault code = FA
The fault content = The communication fault between the
wire controller and the indoor PCB
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. check whether
the wire controller’s connecting wire is short circuit or loose, please make it
connect well;
2. Check the connecting line.wire controller.PCB whether
they are loose or have a bad contact. Please make them have a good contact.
The fault code = FC
The fault content = outdoor unit driving fault, starting
compressor failure
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Turn on the
power again, and then check whether the operation of the compressor is normal;
2. Check whether the connection of the compressor is
correct or reliable, otherwise repair it;
3. Check whether the components on the electric control
board have been damaged, if they are damaged, the components or the electric
control board should be replaced.;
4. Check whether the connecting wires are disentwined
between the Intelligent Power Module board and the main board, otherwise make
the wires connect firmly .
The fault code = FF
The fault content = The outdoor DC motor fault
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check the
resistance value of the DC motor port. If it is short circuit, please change
the DC motor;
2. Check the voltage value of the DC motor port
VCC(15Vdc), Vdm(340Vdc),please change the PCB board if the voltage values are
3. if all the voltage values of the DC motor port are
normal,the Vsp voltage (0~5v) is also ok ,it shows
that the inner PCB board of the DC motor is damaged, then change the DC motor.
The fault code = FH
The fault content = The indoor unit EEPROM error
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether
there are false weld and bad contact etc between the EEPROM chip block and the
electronic control board ;
2. Check whether the EEPROM chip pin is broken foot and
the direction of installation is in line with the
EEPROM block;
3. When the procedure of EEPROM chip and itself have fault
it will appear the code FH. That is the need to replace the EEPROM chip.
The fault code = dF
The fault content = The indoor unit EEPROM error
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether
there are false weld and bad contact etc
between the EEPROM chip block and the electronic control
board ;
2. Check whether the EEPROM chip pin is broken foot and
the direction of installation is in line with the EEPROM block;
3. When the procedure of EEPROM chip and itself have fault
it will appear the code FH. That is the need to replace the EEPROM chip.
The fault code = dI
The fault content = Mode conflict
The reason of fault and its solutions = When the running
mode for No.1 indoor unit is different from No.2 indoor unit, the dF is
The fault code = P1
The fault content = Indoor coil temperature
over-temperature protection for heating (thermal
overload), outdoor coil temperature overheating protection for cooling (cooling
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether
the ambient temperature is over the range of air-conditioning running temperature
2. Check whether the indoor coil temperature is higher
than or equal to 63 degrees when heating and check whether the outdoor coil
temperature is higher than or equal to 65 degrees when cooling, it will appear
protection if the value is over the above;
3. Check whether the parameters of indoor and outdoor coil
temperature sensors are normal, if abnormal, please replace the sensors;
4. If the above are normal, check whether the main control
board output parameters are normal, if abnormal, please replace the main
control board.
The fault code = P2
The fault content = The outdoor unit inverter module
protection fault
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether
the connection of the compressor is reliable, otherwise connect firmly again;
2. Check whether the fixation between the IPM module and
the radiator is firm.;
3. Check whether the compressor is well, otherwise replace
4. Check whether the IPM module is abnormal, otherwise
replace it.
The fault code = P3
The fault content = Over current of outdoor unit
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether
the ambient temperature exceeds the operation range for the air conditioner;
2. Check whether the current detection circuit is
abnormal, the electric control should be replaced when it is abnormal.
The fault code = P4
The fault content = discharge temperature of compressor is
too high, the outside ambient temperature over-temperature, switch off the
compressor shell temperature, module temperature over-temperature
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether
the pressure is normal when the unit is running, if it is abnormal, you should
detect the leakage and then welding and adding refrigerant;
2. Check whether the ambient temperature is too high or
too low, when the temperature is more than -20 degrees and less 55 degrees, it
can disappear automatically;
3. Check whether temperature switch of compressor is
damage, it should be replaced if it is damaged.
The fault code = P7
The fault content = The outdoor unit DC generatrix voltage
is abnormal
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether
the supply voltage is out of ranging from 150 to 270V;
2. Check the voltage detection circuit of the IPM base
board is abnormal, if it is abnormal, the IPM base board or the electric
control board should be replaced.
The fault code = P8
The fault content = lack refrigerant or reverse valve
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether
the high and low pressure valves have been opened, otherwise open the valves;
2. Check whether the indoor coil pipe temperature sensor
is normal, if it is abnormal, the sensor should be replaced;
3. Check whether the indoor coil temperature sensor hung
in the air, please plug it in a correct position if the indoor coil temperature
sensor hung in the air;
4. Check the system pressure is abnormal, if it is
abnormal, you should detect leakage and the welding and adding the
5. Please change the outdoor PCB board , if all above are
The fault code = PA
The fault content = protection when indoor pipe
temperature is too low (Anti-icing)
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether
the ambient temperature is over the range of air-conditioning running
2. Check the indoor coil temperature is less than or equal
to -1 degrees, if more than this value it will be the protection of;
3. Check whether the indoor coil temperature sensor
parameters are normal, if abnormal it is the replacement of the sensor;
4. If the above are normal, check whether the main control
board output parameters are normal, if abnormal ,please replace the main
control board.
The fault code = PC
The fault content = Outdoor ambient temperature
over-temperature protection (including high and low)
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether
the outdoor ambient temperature is too high or too low, when the ambient
temperature is lower than (T> -20, T <55), this fault automatically
2. Check whether the outdoor temperature sensor’s ring
temperature parameters are normal, if abnormal ,please replace the sensor;
3. If the above are normal, check whether the main control
board’s output parameters are normal, f abnormal ,please replace the main
control board.
The fault code = PE
The fault content = EEPROM reading error (outdoor unit)
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether
there are false weld and bad contact etc between the EEPROM chip block and the
electronic control board ;
2. Check whether the EEPROM chip pin is broken foot and
the direction of installation is in line with the EEPROM block;
3. When the procedure of EEPROM chip and itself have fault
it will appear the code PE. At this time there is the need toreplace the EEPROM
code = DF
explain = display at on state
code = flicker 1/1 SEC
explain =
FAILURE = defrost indication
The reason of fault and solution = Normal, the defrost state is removed, it will return to normal condition automatically
code = DF
explain = display at off state
code = flicker 1/3 SEC
explain =
FAILURE = anti cold wind
The reason of fault and solution = 1.Normal (during heating mode )
2.It will be removed when the coil pipe temperature sensor reaches certain temperature.
code = E2
explain = display at off state
code = flicker 1/1 SEC
explain = display at on/off state
FAILURE = room temp. sensor fault
The reason of fault and solution = 1.Check whether the resistance of the sensor is normal (the resistance is 5KΩ in the normal temperature 25°), when it is abnormal the sensor should be replaced.
2.Check whether there is short circuit or open circuit in the wire of the sensor, and whether the plug is connected well, whether there is welding off or rosin joint on the electric control board, if there is any, it should be repaired.
3.When the 1 and 2 are both normal, then the components or integrated circuit is damaged, the electric control board should be replaced.
code = E3
explain = display at off state
code = flicker 3/5 SEC
explain = display at on/off state
FAILURE = coil temp. sensor fault
The reason of fault and solution = 1 .Check whether the resistance of the sensor is normal (the resistance is 5KΩ in the normal temperature 25°), when it is abnormal the sensor should be replaced.
2 .Check whether there is short circuit or open circuit in the wire of the sensor, and whether the plug is connected well,
whether there is welding off or rosin joint on the electric control board, if there is any, it should be repaired.
3.When the 1 and 2 are both normal, then the components or integrated circuit is damaged, the electric control board should be replaced.
code = E4
explain = display at off state
code = flicker 4/6 SEC
explain = display at off state
FAILURE = outdoor unit abnormal
The reason of fault and solution = 1.Check whether the winding resistance and operation current of the compressor are normal.
2.Check whether the high and low pressure is normal when the unit is running.
3 .Check (whether the coil pipe sensor is normal) whether the contact of the
inserter on the circuit board is well, the coil pipe temperature sensor is fixed, the evaporation of the indoor unit is well, the key is to check the evaporator temperature detected by the coil pipe temperature sensor has reached the cooling or heating temperature.
4 .Check whether the surface of the condenser is too dirty, it should be cleaned when it is too dirty.
5 .Check whether the capacitance of the outdoor motor and the fan is damaged, it should be replaced when it is damaged.
6 .If the above items are normal, the electric control board should be replaced.
code = E5
explain = PG motor display at off state
code = flicker 5/7 SEC
explain = display at off state
FAILURE = no feedback signal of indoor fan
The reason of fault and solution = 1.Check whether two sets of plugs on the outlet end of the motor have loosed from the socket of the electric control board, insert it firmly when loosing.
2.Check whether the indoor motor has damaged, the motor should be replaced when it is damaged
3.Check whether the controllable silicon and other components on the electric control board have damaged, replace the controllable silicon or electric control board when they are damaged.
code = E6
explain = PG motor display at off state
code = flicker 6/8 SEC
explain = display at off state
FAILURE = no over zero signal
The reason of fault and solution = 1. Firstly check whether the indoor fan is normal.
2. Check whether the signal outputting from the integrated chip of the electric control board is normal, the electric control board should be replaced when the signal is abnormal.
code = E7
explain = display at off state
code = flicker 7/9 SEC
explain = display at off state
FAILURE = outdoor feedback fault
The reason of fault and solution = 1.Check whether the winding resistance and operation current of the compressor are normal
2.Check whether the high and low pressure is normal when the unit is running.
3.Check whether the indoor and outdoor wiring is right; when it is wrong, connect them again according to the circuit diagram
4.Check whether the contact of the inserter on the circuit board and the connection are well, otherwise repair.
5.Check whether the signal feedback wire is disconnected, replace or connect the feedback signal wire.
6.Check whether the supply power is phase-lacking or phase opposition.
7.Check whether the AC electromagnetic contactor is well.
code = E8
explain = display at off state
code = flicker 8/10 SEC
explain = display at off state
FAILURE = frost protection/over heat protection
The reason of fault and solution = 1 .Check whether the filter of the indoor unit is dirty or blocked, and clean if it is dirty.
2.Check whether the indoor fan is running normally, and replace the motor if it is abnormal.
3.Check whether indoor pipe temperature sensor is normal, and replace the sensor if it is abnormal.
4 .Check whether the system pressure is normal, if abnormal, should check whether there is leakage, and fill the refrigerant again.
CHIGO DC Inverter Split Air-Condition Unit Fault Code
The indoor unit faulty display
Faulty contents = Faulty contents
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens all the time,the turbo lamp lightens 2 times ,and then extinguish 2 seconds.
Faulty contents = Indoor fan fault
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens all the time, the turbo lamp lightens 5 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds.
Faulty contents = Indoor temp. sensor fault
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens all the time,the turbo lamp lightens 3 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds.
Faulty contents = Indoor coil outlet temp. sensor fault
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens all the time, the turbo lamp lightens 4 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds.
Faulty contents = Indoor coil inlet temp. sensor fault
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens all the time, the turbo lamp lightens 4 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds.
Faulty contents = Indoor coil middle temp. sensor fault
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens all the time, the turbo lamp lightens 4 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds.
Faulty contents = Mode conflict
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens 1 time, and then extinguish 1 second.
Faulty contents = Defrosting or anti cold air
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens 1 time ,and then extinguish 1 second.
The outdoor unit faulty display
Faulty contents = the outdoor unit transducer module protection faulty
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens all the time, the turbo lamp lightens 2 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds.
Faulty contents = over current of outdoor unit
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens all the time, the turbo lamp lightens 3 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds.
Faulty contents = discharge temp. of compressor too high, outside ambient temp. too high, switch temp. of compressor crust cut off, temp. of module too high
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens all the time, the turbo lamp lightens 4 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds.
Faulty contents = The outdoor unit DC busbar voltage is abnormal
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens all the time, the turbo lamp lightens 7 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds.
Faulty contents = lack refrigerant or reverse valve fault
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens all the time, the turbo lamp lightens 8 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds.
Faulty contents = outdoor sensor fault
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens all the time, the turbo lamp lightens 7 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds.
Faulty contents = outdoor unit drive fault, start compressor failure
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens all the time, the turbo lamp lightens 6 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds.
Faulty contents = Communication fault
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens all the time, the sleeping lamp lightens 2 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds
Faulty contents = Indoor fan fault
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens all the time, the sleeping lamp lightens 5 times , and then extinguish 2 seconds
Faulty contents = Indoor temp. sensor fault
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens all the time, the sleeping lamp lightens 3 times , and then extinguish 2 seconds
Faulty contents = Indoor coil outlet temp. sensor fault
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens all the time, the sleeping lamp lightens 4 times , and then extinguish 2 seconds
Faulty contents = Indoor coil inlet temp. sensor fault
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens all the time, the sleeping lamp lightens 4 times ,and then extinguish 2 seconds
Faulty contents = Indoor coil middle temp. sensor fault
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens all the time, the sleeping lamp lightens 4 times , and then extinguish 2 seconds
Faulty contents = Mode conflict
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens 1 time, and then extinguish 1 second.
Faulty contents = Defrosting or anti cold air
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens 1 time, and then extinguish 1 second
Faulty contents = the outdoor unit transducer module protection faulty
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens all the time, the sleeping lamp lightens 2 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds
Faulty contents = over current of outdoor unit
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens all the time, the sleeping lamp lightens 3 times , and then extinguish 2 seconds
Faulty contents = discharge temp. of compressor too high, outside ambient temp. too high, switch temp. of compressor crust cut off, temp. of module too high
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens all the time, the sleeping lamp lightens 4 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds
Faulty contents = The outdoor unit DC busbar voltage is abnormal
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens all the time, the sleeping lamp lightens 7 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds
Faulty contents = lack refrigerant or reverse valve fault
Trouble Display = The running lamp lightens all the time, the sleeping lamp lightens 8 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds
Faulty contents = outdoor sensor fault
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens all the time, the sleeping lamp lightens 7 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds
Faulty contents = outdoor unit drive fault, start compressor failure
Trouble Display = The timing lamp lightens all the time, the sleeping lamp lightens 6 times, and then extinguish 2 seconds
The malfunction oindoor and outdoor unit
The common malfunction code analysis and solutions
The fault code = F1
The fault content = The communication fault
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1.The communication wire is broken off. Please check whether the wire is disentwined ;
2.Please check whether the electrical control board is damaged. It should be replaced when it is damaged;
3.Please check whether the power ground wire is reliable;
4.Please check whether the unit is abnormal caused by the external interference. If it is, then find the interfering sources, and remove them.
The fault code = F2
The fault content = The indoor temperature sensor fault
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1.Check whether the resistance of sensor is normal, otherwise replace it;
2.Check whether the sensor wire is short circuit or open circuit, and whether the plug is well contacted, whether there is welding off or rosin joint on the electric control board, repair it if there is any above;
3.When the 1 and 2 are both normal, then the component or integrated circuit is damaged, the electric control board should be replaced.
The fault code = F3
The fault content = The indoor coil temperature sensor fault
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether the resistance of sensor is normal, otherwise replace it;
2. Check whether the sensor wire is short circuit or open circuit, and whether the plug is well contacted, whether there is welding off or rosin joint on the electric control board ,repair it if there is any above;
3. When the 1 and 2 are both normal, then the component or integrated circuit is damaged, the electric control board should be replaced.
The fault code = F4
The fault content = Indoor PG motor fault (tap motor hasn’t so breakdown )
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1.Check whether the contact of the plug of the motor wire and socket is well. Please make sure it is well contacted;
2.Check whether the indoor motor has damaged, the motor should be replaced when it is damaged;
3 .Check whether the controllable silicon and other components on the electric control board have damaged,
replace the controllable silicon or electric control board when they are damaged;
4.Check whether the indoor fan is unobstructed when running, please fix the indoor fan again when it is obstructed.
The fault code = F5
The fault content = IPM protection
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1.Check whether the supply voltage is out of ranging from 150 to 270V(overvoltage and undervoltage protection); Measuring the actual current, if the current is greater than
the rated current of 2A,it is over-temperature protection; If the above are normal, that is IPM module internal circuit fault protection, so please replace the IPM module.
The fault code = F6
The fault content = The outdoor sensor fault
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether the resistance of sensor is normal, otherwise replace it;
2. Check whether the sensor wire is short circuit or open circuit, and whether the plug is well contacted, whether there is welding off or rosin joint on the electric control board, repair it if there is any above;
3. When the 1 and 2 are both normal ,then the component or integrated circuit is damaged, the electric control board should be replaced.
The fault code = F7
The fault content = The outdoor coil temperature sensor fault (Including the mid-point of tube. inspiratory gas)
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether the resistance of sensor is normal, otherwise replace it;
2.Check whether the sensor wire is short circuit or open circuit, and whether the plug is well contacted, whether there is welding off or rosin joint on the electric control board, repair it if there is any above;
3.When the 1 and 2 are both normal, then the component or integrated circuit is damaged, the electric control board should be replaced
The fault code = F9
The fault content = Exhaust gas sensor failure
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether the resistance of sensor is normal, otherwise replace it;
2. Check whether the sensor wire is short circuit or open circuit, and whether the plug is well contacted, whether there is welding off or rosin joint on the electric control board, repair it if there is any above;
3. When the 1 and 2 are both normal, then the component or integrated circuit is damaged, the electric control board should be replaced.
The fault code = FA
The fault content = The communication fault between the wire controller and the indoor PCB
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. check whether the wire controller’s connecting wire is short circuit or loose, please make it connect well;
2. Check the connecting line.wire controller.PCB whether they are loose or have a bad contact. Please make them have a good contact.
The fault code = FC
The fault content = outdoor unit driving fault, starting compressor failure
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Turn on the power again, and then check whether the operation of the compressor is normal;
2. Check whether the connection of the compressor is correct or reliable, otherwise repair it;
3. Check whether the components on the electric control board have been damaged, if they are damaged, the components or the electric control board should be replaced.;
4. Check whether the connecting wires are disentwined between the Intelligent Power Module board and the main board, otherwise make the wires connect firmly .
The fault code = FF
The fault content = The outdoor DC motor fault
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check the resistance value of the DC motor port. If it is short circuit, please change the DC motor;
2. Check the voltage value of the DC motor port VCC(15Vdc), Vdm(340Vdc),please change the PCB board if the voltage values are abnormal;
3. if all the voltage values of the DC motor port are normal,the Vsp voltage (0~5v) is also ok ,it shows that the inner PCB board of the DC motor is damaged, then change the DC motor.
The fault code = FH
The fault content = The indoor unit EEPROM error
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether there are false weld and bad contact etc between the EEPROM chip block and the electronic control board ;
2. Check whether the EEPROM chip pin is broken foot and the direction of installation is in line with the
EEPROM block;
3. When the procedure of EEPROM chip and itself have fault it will appear the code FH. That is the need to replace the EEPROM chip.
The fault code = dF
The fault content = The indoor unit EEPROM error
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether there are false weld and bad contact etc
between the EEPROM chip block and the electronic control board ;
2. Check whether the EEPROM chip pin is broken foot and the direction of installation is in line with the EEPROM block;
3. When the procedure of EEPROM chip and itself have fault it will appear the code FH. That is the need to replace the EEPROM chip.
The fault code = dI
The fault content = Mode conflict
The reason of fault and its solutions = When the running mode for No.1 indoor unit is different from No.2 indoor unit, the dF is displayed.
The fault code = P1
The fault content = Indoor coil temperature
over-temperature protection for heating (thermal overload), outdoor coil temperature overheating protection for cooling (cooling overload)
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether the ambient temperature is over the range of air-conditioning running temperature ;
2. Check whether the indoor coil temperature is higher than or equal to 63 degrees when heating and check whether the outdoor coil temperature is higher than or equal to 65 degrees when cooling, it will appear protection if the value is over the above;
3. Check whether the parameters of indoor and outdoor coil temperature sensors are normal, if abnormal, please replace the sensors;
4. If the above are normal, check whether the main control board output parameters are normal, if abnormal, please replace the main control board.
The fault code = P2
The fault content = The outdoor unit inverter module protection fault
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether the connection of the compressor is reliable, otherwise connect firmly again;
2. Check whether the fixation between the IPM module and the radiator is firm.;
3. Check whether the compressor is well, otherwise replace it;
4. Check whether the IPM module is abnormal, otherwise replace it.
The fault code = P3
The fault content = Over current of outdoor unit
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether the ambient temperature exceeds the operation range for the air conditioner;
2. Check whether the current detection circuit is abnormal, the electric control should be replaced when it is abnormal.
The fault code = P4
The fault content = discharge temperature of compressor is too high, the outside ambient temperature over-temperature, switch off the compressor shell temperature, module temperature over-temperature
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether the pressure is normal when the unit is running, if it is abnormal, you should detect the leakage and then welding and adding refrigerant;
2. Check whether the ambient temperature is too high or too low, when the temperature is more than -20 degrees and less 55 degrees, it can disappear automatically;
3. Check whether temperature switch of compressor is damage, it should be replaced if it is damaged.
The fault code = P7
The fault content = The outdoor unit DC generatrix voltage is abnormal
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether the supply voltage is out of ranging from 150 to 270V;
2. Check the voltage detection circuit of the IPM base board is abnormal, if it is abnormal, the IPM base board or the electric control board should be replaced.
The fault code = P8
The fault content = lack refrigerant or reverse valve fault
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether the high and low pressure valves have been opened, otherwise open the valves;
2. Check whether the indoor coil pipe temperature sensor is normal, if it is abnormal, the sensor should be replaced;
3. Check whether the indoor coil temperature sensor hung in the air, please plug it in a correct position if the indoor coil temperature sensor hung in the air;
4. Check the system pressure is abnormal, if it is abnormal, you should detect leakage and the welding and adding the refrigerant.;
5. Please change the outdoor PCB board , if all above are normal.
The fault code = PA
The fault content = protection when indoor pipe temperature is too low (Anti-icing)
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether the ambient temperature is over the range of air-conditioning running temperature;
2. Check the indoor coil temperature is less than or equal to -1 degrees, if more than this value it will be the protection of;
3. Check whether the indoor coil temperature sensor parameters are normal, if abnormal it is the replacement of the sensor;
4. If the above are normal, check whether the main control board output parameters are normal, if abnormal ,please replace the main control board.
The fault code = PC
The fault content = Outdoor ambient temperature over-temperature protection (including high and low)
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether the outdoor ambient temperature is too high or too low, when the ambient temperature is lower than (T> -20, T <55), this fault automatically discharges;
2. Check whether the outdoor temperature sensor’s ring temperature parameters are normal, if abnormal ,please replace the sensor;
3. If the above are normal, check whether the main control board’s output parameters are normal, f abnormal ,please replace the main control board.
The fault code = PE
The fault content = EEPROM reading error (outdoor unit)
The reason of fault and its solutions = 1. Check whether there are false weld and bad contact etc between the EEPROM chip block and the electronic control board ;
2. Check whether the EEPROM chip pin is broken foot and the direction of installation is in line with the EEPROM block;
3. When the procedure of EEPROM chip and itself have fault it will appear the code PE. At this time there is the need toreplace the EEPROM chip.